
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Watching Movies Online - Easier Than Before

I remember 5 or even 2 years ago it was quite difficult to watch movies online. This was the time when Wheb websites like Napster were sued for allowing people to share their hard drives with the world on a peer-to-peer network. Thus, allowing people in other countries and states to play and share music that was not accessible on their own records. The record companies did not consider this practice to be beneficial or superior to the law, so they stopped the service. Well, this very concept of stopping people from sharing their movies online also stopped.

The problem was that the film and music companies were not getting their share of the money. They couldn't come to the ดูหนัง slice of the cake. But how was this different from the days when I could record my local DJ mix and dub it and pass it on to my friends in the '80s? At that time no one was complaining about the exchange of music by hand. Or even dubbing movies and giving them to someone else. No money was exchanged. So what is the problem???

Well, aside from that, it seems that some very innovative companies have figured out a way to make record and movie companies happy and also fill their pockets with money. Companies like iTunes and Amazon are now some of the leaders in downloading movies online. Both services charge a fee for people to download a movie, music, or television episode. A portion of that money goes to the company that owns the movie or show. But part of the money goes to the distribution company.

These services have been a God-sent blessing to most people who want to see a movie on the day it comes out, without having to go to the local Walmart to buy the DVD. They have made it simple to buy the movie online, save it to my local computer, and watch it when I have time. This makes it easy to watch the movie online on a computer, on an ipod, or import it to a device such as an xbox 360 and watch it on a television.

But let's say you don't want to buy the movie. It may not be worth a full purchase price. Well, iTunes and Amazon still have you covered. You can rent the movie and then you will have a month to watch the movie once within a 24 hour period once you start watching the movie. It is more than enough time to watch the movie several times.

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