
Monday, December 7, 2020

Pets for kids

Here are 10 essential reality checks for YOU to consider when 'others' are considering adding a new pet to your family or home.

So you want a pet or at least your kids want a pet, well there is nothing unnatural about it, the whole idea will sound great ... but wait a minute, stop and think ... there are some great positives about this. idea .... there are also สัตว์น่าเลี้ยง reality checks to think about .... a quick read of my checklists below will help you make a more realistic decision.

Remember the old saying "A pet is not just for Christmas." Someone will have to clean up the 'pooh' in the end ... everything.

Essential reality check n. 1 -

The type of pet

The type of children's pets that you can bring into your home will depend on a lot of things like the following:

The ages of your children: A two year old probably will not be able to handle a pet with care and certainly will not be able to care for the pet .....

How much will the pet cost, not just to buy, but to care for on a daily basis?

What size pet does your child want? - What space will be needed? A hamster doesn't take up much space, but guinea pigs, ferrets, and rats need much larger cages.

How much time do you and your children have to spend with your pet as a family?

Will your family be safe with the pet? Will the pet be safe with his family?

If you have a larger pet, such as a dog, cat, or goat, what effects will it have on your family, friends, and neighbors?

How will your pet be cared for during your vacation?

Will your family cope with the eventual death of a pet?

Some pets will sleep most of the day and be awake at night. Hamsters can be very noisy at night!

If your child wants a dog, you will need to analyze the breed, size, and exercise needs of the dog.

Do you already have another pet, what effect will it have on that pet? For example, will your dog be okay with a cat, rabbit, or bird?

Essential reality check n. 2 -

Ages of your children

You will need to choose a pet that is appropriate for the age of your children.

For example, in most cases, it would be unwise to buy a hamster for a two-year-old who is still adjusting to the world around him and may not know or be unable to handle the hamster with care.

Do you want to give your children some responsibility in caring for an animal? Some children are very responsible and will be able to handle this. Other kids, well, the sight of a baby animal is too attractive, after all, who can resist a cute puppy, kitten, or baby hamster?

At first, you may need to help your children, as caring for a pet is a very responsible job. As a parent or caregiver, you should always supervise the care of a pet.

As a parent or caregiver, you will need to decide if your child is old enough to handle and care for a pet. How often have parents heard the cry "oh, but we promise we'll take you for a walk every day"?

Or "we'll clean it mom, we promise." How will you feel in a time when you find yourself taking care of pets because kids are busy with friends or on a school trip or inundated with homework or just bored with the poor thing?

Essential reality check n. 3 -

The true costs of pets for children

Some pets are very cheap to buy, for example hamsters, guinea pigs, goldfish. Gerbils, fancy rats, fancy mice and rabbits, and even ferrets.

You will still have to consider:

The cage setup (this can be very expensive considering the cage sizes most pets need) in fact, they need the largest cage you can handle

Food costs per week


Veterinarians bill if their pets get sick.

eg Ferrets need an annual injection against canine distemper.

Vacation Care: Of course, you will have to pay for this if you cannot trust friends and family.

Larger children's pets such as purebred goats, dogs and cats are much more expensive to buy initially, some costing hundreds of pounds.

You will need to consider:

Bedding and a cage (if you buy one for your dog or cat)

Leashes and collars for dogs.

Food bills

Veterinarian bills (dogs should have annual checkups with a vet)


Vacation care (kennels can be very expensive)

Flea treatment

Ongoing veterinary costs if your pets are chronically ill.

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