
Monday, August 31, 2020

The five universal rules to be happy


There are five rules to be happy. Oh I'm sure there are more that could apply. But when it comes down to the basics, there are five rules that apply to everything and everyone in life. When applied, these rules will certainly produce the result of happiness.

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Rule 1: Free your heart from hatred. Hatred is the root of all evil. There is no use hating another human being and will only provoke inner feelings that will destroy your spirit. Think about it, the last time you said, "I hate So-and-so!" Did he do something to them by hating them? No. Did he do something to you? Yes. When you said it, you allowed yourself to live in the lowest of the low vibrations. จักรวาลThe Conjuring when you live in such a low vibration. Eliminate hatred and you are on your way to happiness.

Rule 2: Free your mind of worries. When talking to clients and friends, this rule seems to be the biggest challenge for many people. I hear people talk about worrying about not having enough money, worrying about losing their job, worrying about not finding someone who loves them, worrying about being overweight, worrying, worrying, worrying. But let's take a step back from all this worrying and ask ourselves, is it good for any of us to worry? In short, NO! When we focus our energy on what we don't want, what worries us, we are only attracting more negative energy.

Now let's change our thoughts and focus on what we want. Act as if you are already receiving the positive and the opposite of our concern and see that you no longer need to worry. How does it feel No worries and ready to be great! Free your mind from worries and you will surely be happier in your life.

Rule 3: Live simply. That's it, just live simply. Eliminate drama from your life. Eliminate negative people from your life. Take time for yourself and go for a walk, read a book, exercise, or whatever you want and love to do. Living simply can be tricky in today's hustle and bustle, but when you can eliminate the really unnecessary things that cause you distress and worry, life will be happier. Try it; I'm sure you'll like it!

Rule 4: Give more. Giving can be one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life. We all have something to give to others. Some people can give time with the elderly, others can give kindness and a quiet spirit to those in need in their lives, but others can give money. There is so much that we can give and share in this world and the more you can give, the happier it will make you feel.

Rule 5: Expect miracles! We can all dream and most can dream big. To find true happiness, learn to hope that your dreams, your miracles in life, will come true. Something really amazing happens in El Universo when you place your order and expect something great to happen. It's like when you go to your favorite restaurant, order your favorite food, and sit around waiting. In the 15-20 minutes that you are waiting for your food, not once do you wonder that your favorite food will come perfectly prepared, just the way you want it. The same can apply to your dreams. Expect those miracles in life to come true, believe that they will, do the things you need to do, and let them come. Do not doubt that they will come; Doubt is a negative vibration and a wrong focus. Just hope that they come to you when the time is right, not a moment before and not a moment after what they are supposed to. The interesting thing that happens when you start hoping for miracles to come true is that your spirits rise, your happiness rises, and life becomes good, really good!

Following these 5 simple rules of life will bring you a lot of happiness. It has to because it is part of Universal Law. She will do it because it is part of human nature. Go ahead and do it, you deserve all the happiness you can conjure up. For your success!

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