
Monday, August 31, 2020

And so we wait patiently for science to discard the "real world out there"


We all agree that his theory is crazy. The question that divides us is whether he is crazy enough to have a chance of being right. "

Niels Bohr

Modern physics is at a crossroads. Since Einstein's time, he has pursued a quest to unify the laws of physics using a naive realistic or materialistic approach. This view holds that there is a real world independent of the scientific theorist, that ultimate reality is a material thing (matter) rather than a mind, and that the จักรวาลThe Conjuring on the world. Most theorists probably assume that dismissing the realistic perspective is insane. And that's the problem: modern science will not be able to unify the laws of science by working within the box of materialism. Instead, unsurprisingly, you'll have to come out of the box to come up with a unified theory.

Front page advertisements such as the finding of the Higgs boson in the Large Hadron Collider, the search for dark matter, and reflections on string theory and the multiverse, have masked the basic truth that the current scientific worldview has reached a dead end in trying to put together an all-encompassing worldview while operating under the heavy burden of naive realism.

Lee Smolin, in his book The Trouble with Physics, recognizing the puzzles facing modern physics, identifies five problems that any unified theory of physics must solve.

These are:

Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature. This is known as the problem of quantum gravity.

Solve problems in the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, either by making sense of the theory as it is or by inventing a new theory that makes sense.

Determine whether or not the various particles and forces can be unified in a theory that explains them all as manifestations of a single fundamental entity.

Explain how the values ​​of free constants are chosen in nature in the standard model of particle physics.

Explain dark matter and dark energy. Or, if they don't exist, determine how and why gravity changes on a large scale. More generally, explain why the constants in the Standard Model of Cosmology, including dark energy, have the values ​​that they do.

Dr. Smolin should be credited with articulating concisely and directly the five great problems that stand in the way of a unified theory of physics. But in reflecting on how future scientists may come to solve these mysteries of science, Smolin also reveals the bias of the modern scientific theorist: he acknowledges that "physicists have traditionally expected science to give an explanation of reality as it would be in or absent. "Believing in a" real world, "he writes," motivates us to do the hard work necessary to become scientists and contribute to an understanding of nature. " In other words, Smolin defines "science" as a practice that can only occur if the practitioner assumes a "real world" independent of the observer. Having faithfully accepted the very obstacle that prevents progress in the first place, it is no wonder that modern scientific theory remains stuck in the same old intellectual quicksand. Like a hot air balloon wondering why it can't reach the stars while tethered to a fence post, modern science cannot move further toward a unified theory until it leaves the "real world."

In this article I will do crazy. I will give answers to each of these problems and show that a unified theory becomes apparent if Mr. Smolin and his university colleagues simply abandon their cherished assumption that there is a real world independent of us.

In considering this assumption, we might ask, why should the universe obey the orders of the scientific theorist in the first place? Isn't it true that the world existed before the theorist entered the scene? The job of science is to understand the world as it is, not as scientists assume or wish it to be.

It should not be considered simply a coincidence that, as shown below, when we remove the independent world assumption, we find the outline of a theory that solves the five Smolin problems.

So let's start with the first problem:

Problem 1: Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature. This is known as the problem of quantum gravity.

New Century Physics: A Return to the Prophets?


"The answers to fundamental questions are not in the details of how

Things happen, but in short, the consequences of behavior. "


to. The จักรวาลThe Conjuring contain everything that exists.

yes. It was created for a reason. It has a task and a purpose. It is a time / space tool.

C. Gravity is not an attractive force between bodies; it is the reduction of space, inversely to the lengthening of its co-function, time.

re. Black holes are not sites of tremendous gravitational forces. They are the opposite, the condition where all forces are disappearing.

me. The universe will not continue to expand or collapse in on itself; it will just turn off. It is already happening.

F. The end product of the universe is equilibrium, the pre-existing non-physical state that triggered its prescribed operation in the beginning.


Physics, as practiced today, is a scientific superstition. Born of the same human intrigues that drove ancient explorers, modern astrophysicists today are tempted by the volume of new data available from the Spitzer telescope, producing ever more detail about what things are and how they work. But what is the Achilles heel in this picture? Science believes itself because math seems to work. It's old I.Q. try again. It seemed to work, but it didn't measure what we thought we were measuring. Like the magician's disappearing act, the illusion only works in a limited angle of view. What is missing is the fundamental question of why all this wonder exists in the first place.

What is the most obvious phenomenon that we see when we look across the galaxy, across the universe? Forces in action. But forces only occur where things are out of balance. We learned it when we were kids, when the big guy got off the other side of the seesaw.

What does this tell us? The universe is in an unbalanced condition. We even codify their behavior in the so-called Conservation Laws, that "everything tends towards equilibrium". In other words, everything the universe does prescribes that its ultimate goal is balance.

Therein lies the challenge for the physics of the future. It is the angle of view beyond the magician's trick. With equilibrium comes the cessation of all action, even within the smallest subnuclear particles. In the absence of action, the measuring sticks of time and space no longer apply. The mass itself loses all identity. We know this. And it should mean something to us beyond just accepting it. A very loud bell should ring.

Our new generations raised in cyberspace games will have no trouble understanding the implication. The universe involves our physical senses, even our interaction, but like cyberspace games, it only contains the information it is programmed for. In operation, it is no different than a computer maintenance program, "Defrag" or "Norton Utilities", evoked to stabilize the integrity of a more fundamental order.

And what is that order? Traditional physics has it backwards. Principles of order and consequences are a prerequisite even for a simple chemical reaction, but they are not part of the mass / energy yield. They represent a higher state of discipline, which does not depend on temporary phenomena.

The universe had a beginning and will have an end, which automatically places you in the slave position. Reconciling these priorities is important for our theoretical frontiers to advance.

An essential part of any autonomous system is its stabilizing safeguards. The reason the universe seems to have been created in a Big Bang is that it came as a complete program, put in place to preserve the stability of the balance. It is a necessary characteristic of the primordial (non-material) system.

The magic of every day


There is magic and energy within every living being. Magic is found in all lives and in the rarity that is humanity. Many of us are guilty of not following our own heritage or following our chosen path. We may be too busy or have to hide our beliefs. There are no rules along your path or limits that you must follow only the beliefs you have. Did you know that you can use anything contained in nature as an amulet or talisman? Today, as I was in the beauty of the day, I found an acorn and asked the จักรวาลThe Conjuring this little piece of land. I loaded it with a wish, my version of a simple earthly invocation.

As he held this small sample of mother earth, he could feel her power, it glowed and lit up with the touch of streams of sunlight. With the spectrum of the sun's rays, I carry my charm with the power that I have sought. Everything around you right now has its own energy, look around you, are you attracted to an object? Stop reading for a moment and pick up the item. What do you feel? Now if you say the words that are inside your heart. Ask the god or goddess to invoke this enchantment. Do you feel that the object responds?

Many of you will be returned. Are you looking for an answer? Ask the powers that be for the desire you want from them. Tell them the truth because they know what you are going to say, show them respect, show them what your essence is made of. The god and the goddess know everything, see everything and are part of everything. Now invoke its charm, keep it in sight or at your fingertips throughout the day. Your charm will impart what you have asked about if it is meant to be. If you have a book of shadows, you may want to record your thoughts in your book of light. If you don't have a shadow book of your own, you should start one now. Your book of shadows can be as simple as your online blog or as intricate as a scroll book.

There are many witches and wizards who use a simple journal to impart the wisdom of the magic found within. Many of us don't have the time or supplies to perform elaborate rituals on a daily basis, but it can be a form of ritual to write down your magical thoughts every day. When you put the words of light in cyberspace or on paper, you are doing magic in its most basic form. You must never forget that magic is neither here nor there, it is within you, around you, before and behind, there is magic within all things and it is up to you, the magician, to achieve it. When the universe has spread across the limits of time and has reached the sorcerer / conjurer and has made the will of the universe of his will so be it. As this day progresses, let the magic rise, see with your third eye, feel within the depths of then and now, and make every moment count.

The state of modern music


Today's practitioners of what we once called "modern" music are suddenly alone. There is a disconcerting reaction against any musical creation that requires the disciplines and research tools for its genesis. Now stories are circulating that amplify and magnify this troublesome trend. It was once that you couldn't even approach a major music school in the United States unless you were well prepared to endure the commandments and principles of serialism. When one now hears of professors จักรวาลThe Conjuring scores of Respighi to extract the magic of their mass audience appeal, we know there is a crisis. This crisis exists in the perceptions of even the most educated musicians. Composers today seem to be hiding from certain difficult truths about the creative process. They have given up their search for tools to help them create truly powerful and challenging listening experiences. I think it is because they are confused about many notions in modern music creation!

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First, let us examine the attitudes that are needed, but have been abandoned, for the development of special disciplines in the creation of lasting modern music. This music that we can and must create provides a crucible in which magic is crafted within our souls, and it is this that frames the templates that guide our own evolution in creative thinking. It is this generative process that had its blossoming in the early 1950s. By the 1960s, many emerging musicians had fallen in love with the then-fashionable wonders of the exciting new world of comprehensive Stockhausen serialism. Then there seemed to be boundless emotion. It seemed that there would be no limits to the creative impulse; composers could do anything, or so it seemed. At that time, most composers had not examined serialism carefully because of its inherent limitations. But it looked so cool. However, it soon became clear that it was Stockhausen's exciting musical approach that was fresh, and not so much the serialism itself, to which he was married. Later it became clear that the methods he used grew out of two special considerations that ultimately transcend serial devices: crossing of metric and tempi patterns; and especially the concept that treats pitch and timbre as special cases of rhythm. (Stockhausen referred to the crosses as "contacts", and even titled one of his compositions exploring this kingdom Kontakte). These gestures, it turns out, are really independent of serialism in the sense that they can be explored from different approaches.

However, the most spectacular approach at the time was serialism, and not so much these (then apparent) side lights. Yet it is this very approach, serialism, that, after apparently opening so many new doors, germinated the very seeds of modern music's own demise. The method is very prone to mechanical guessing. Consequently, it makes compounding easier, like following a recipe. In serial composition, the less thoughtful composer can apparently divert his soul from the compositional process. Inspiration can be buried, as method reigns supreme. The intricate complexities of shaping notes and the epiphanies one experiences from the necessary association with one's essences (within the mind and soul, in a sense, our relatives) can be conveniently discarded. Everything is from memory. Everything is compartmentalized. For a long time this was the honored method, long sanctified by classroom teachers and future composers, at least in the United States. Soon, a sense of sterility arose in the musical atmosphere; many composers began to examine what was happening.

The substitution of atonal music for sentimental romanticism had been a crucial step in moving music out of a torpid cul-de-sac. A music that was locked in banal complacency, like what seemed to be happening with romanticism, would decay. It was time for exploration. The new alternative has arrived, naturalness. It was the cool antidote, if apparently harsh. Arnold Schonberg had put the music away, for now. However, shortly thereafter, Schonberg made a serious tactical misstep. The 'rescue' was cut short with the introduction of a method by which the newly released process could be brought under control and order. I have here to express a little sympathy for Schönberg, who felt adrift in the sea of ​​freedom provided by the disconnectedness of atonality. 

The five universal rules to be happy


There are five rules to be happy. Oh I'm sure there are more that could apply. But when it comes down to the basics, there are five rules that apply to everything and everyone in life. When applied, these rules will certainly produce the result of happiness.

Rule 1: Free your heart from hatred. Hatred is the root of all evil. There is no use hating another human being and will only provoke inner feelings that will destroy your spirit. Think about it, the last time you said, "I จักรวาลThe Conjuring Did he do something to them by hating them? No. Did he do something to you? Yes. When you said it, you allowed yourself to live in the lowest of the low vibrations. Nothing good can happen when you live in such a low vibration. Eliminate hatred and you are on your way to happiness.

Rule 2: Free your mind of worries. When talking to clients and friends, this rule seems to be the biggest challenge for many people. I hear people talk about worrying about not having enough money, worrying about losing their job, worrying about not finding someone who loves them, worrying about being overweight, worrying, worrying, worrying. But let's take a step back from all this worrying and ask ourselves, is it good for any of us to worry? In short, NO! When we focus our energy on what we don't want, what worries us, we are only attracting more negative energy.

Now let's change our thoughts and focus on what we want. Act as if you are already receiving the positive and the opposite of our concern and see that you no longer need to worry. How does it feel No worries and ready to be great! Free your mind from worries and you will surely be happier in your life.

Rule 3: Live simply. That's it, just live simply. Eliminate drama from your life. Eliminate negative people from your life. Take time for yourself and go for a walk, read a book, exercise, or whatever you want and love to do. Living simply can be tricky in today's hustle and bustle, but when you can eliminate the really unnecessary things that cause you distress and worry, life will be happier. Try it; I'm sure you'll like it!

Rule 4: Give more. Giving can be one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life. We all have something to give to others. Some people can give time with the elderly, others can give kindness and a quiet spirit to those in need in their lives, but others can give money. There is so much that we can give and share in this world and the more you can give, the happier it will make you feel.

Rule 5: Expect miracles! We can all dream and most can dream big. To find true happiness, learn to hope that your dreams, your miracles in life, will come true. Something really amazing happens in El Universo when you place your order and expect something great to happen. It's like when you go to your favorite restaurant, order your favorite food, and sit around waiting. In the 15-20 minutes that you are waiting for your food, not once do you wonder that your favorite food will come perfectly prepared, just the way you want it. The same can apply to your dreams. Expect those miracles in life to come true, believe that they will, do the things you need to do, and let them come. Do not doubt that they will come; Doubt is a negative vibration and a wrong focus. Just hope that they come to you when the time is right, not a moment before and not a moment after what they are supposed to. The interesting thing that happens when you start hoping for miracles to come true is that your spirits rise, your happiness rises, and life becomes good, really good!

Following these 5 simple rules of life will bring you a lot of happiness. It has to because it is part of Universal Law. She will do it because it is part of human nature. Go ahead and do it, you deserve all the happiness you can conjure up. For your success!

And so we wait patiently for science to discard the "real world out there"


We all agree that his theory is crazy. The question that divides us is whether he is crazy enough to have a chance of being right. "

Niels Bohr

Modern physics is at a crossroads. Since Einstein's time, he has pursued a quest to unify the laws of physics using a naive realistic or materialistic approach. This view holds that there is a real world independent of the scientific theorist, that ultimate reality is a material thing (matter) rather than a mind, and that the จักรวาลThe Conjuring on the world. Most theorists probably assume that dismissing the realistic perspective is insane. And that's the problem: modern science will not be able to unify the laws of science by working within the box of materialism. Instead, unsurprisingly, you'll have to come out of the box to come up with a unified theory.

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Front page advertisements such as the finding of the Higgs boson in the Large Hadron Collider, the search for dark matter, and reflections on string theory and the multiverse, have masked the basic truth that the current scientific worldview has reached a dead end in trying to put together an all-encompassing worldview while operating under the heavy burden of naive realism.

Lee Smolin, in his book The Trouble with Physics, recognizing the puzzles facing modern physics, identifies five problems that any unified theory of physics must solve.

These are:

Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature. This is known as the problem of quantum gravity.

Solve problems in the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, either by making sense of the theory as it is or by inventing a new theory that makes sense.

Determine whether or not the various particles and forces can be unified in a theory that explains them all as manifestations of a single fundamental entity.

Explain how the values ​​of free constants are chosen in nature in the standard model of particle physics.

Explain dark matter and dark energy. Or, if they don't exist, determine how and why gravity changes on a large scale. More generally, explain why the constants in the Standard Model of Cosmology, including dark energy, have the values ​​that they do.

Dr. Smolin should be credited with articulating concisely and directly the five great problems that stand in the way of a unified theory of physics. But in reflecting on how future scientists may come to solve these mysteries of science, Smolin also reveals the bias of the modern scientific theorist: he acknowledges that "physicists have traditionally expected science to give an explanation of reality as it would be in or absent. "Believing in a" real world, "he writes," motivates us to do the hard work necessary to become scientists and contribute to an understanding of nature. " In other words, Smolin defines "science" as a practice that can only occur if the practitioner assumes a "real world" independent of the observer. Having faithfully accepted the very obstacle that prevents progress in the first place, it is no wonder that modern scientific theory remains stuck in the same old intellectual quicksand. Like a hot air balloon wondering why it can't reach the stars while tethered to a fence post, modern science cannot move further toward a unified theory until it leaves the "real world."

In this article I will do crazy. I will give answers to each of these problems and show that a unified theory becomes apparent if Mr. Smolin and his university colleagues simply abandon their cherished assumption that there is a real world independent of us.

In considering this assumption, we might ask, why should the universe obey the orders of the scientific theorist in the first place? Isn't it true that the world existed before the theorist entered the scene? The job of science is to understand the world as it is, not as scientists assume or wish it to be.

It should not be considered simply a coincidence that, as shown below, when we remove the independent world assumption, we find the outline of a theory that solves the five Smolin problems.

So let's start with the first problem:

Problem 1: Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature. This is known as the problem of quantum gravity.

The secret of abundance revealed!


You probably think the secret to making more money is through hard work and perseverance.

Or could you think that money goes to those who deserve it or have good luck?

Well, my goal is to help you change the way you think about money, because the way you think about money จักรวาลThe Conjuring to attract it. What you have in your wallet or bank account is just feedback on how you think and feel about money.

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I invite you to consider this ...

Your journey to financial abundance or whatever else ... is an emotional journey.

You will see that we constantly radiate, vibrate, or emit energy based on our emotions, which can sometimes change from hour to hour and minute to minute. Think of yourself as having little transmitters that send energy (vibrations) based on how you feel.

Well, if you feel "lacking" or as if you don't have enough, you cannot attract abundance; it is a different energy (vibration). If you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity because the Law of Attraction states that you attract anything that has a similar vibration.

Your goal, then, to have more money and abundance is to get into vibrational alignment with abundance. In other words, you have to immerse yourself in its energy.

Now you are probably wondering how I can do that. Well I know you are already experiencing it:

- Abundance is that WooHoo feeling when you walk into a parking spot and find 25 cents on the parking meter. I'm right, do you celebrate with a little WooHoo?

- Abundance is that quick little burst of excited energy you get when you find a buy one offer and get one free.

- It's that feeling of luck when you scratch the winning numbers from the lottery ticket.

- It's the feeling when you park in the front row.

- And it's the feeling when you find out you're getting a check in the mail.

That is abundance! It is the general feeling of well-being. It is the feeling of having "enough" or "more than" that is quite different from the feeling associated with "lack" or "not enough."

The good news is that the feeling of abundance can be doubled. Remember when you played charades and had to act out the feeling of excitement, anger, or worry? Well, you can also step into the energy of abundance on purpose and then the powerful universal energy (Law of Attraction) will match it and bring you more of the same. Woo Hoo!

How to do it:

Money has little to do with dollars and cents ... it has a lot to do with getting into energy or feeling abundance.

1. Find evidence of abundance and celebrate it in the moment!

2. Double the feeling by conjuring up a memory of a time when you felt abundant and enjoy it.

3. Record the evidence. Create an abundance journal and write down all the evidence that appears.

You are now in the energy of Abundance and as you record it in your journal, it is as if you are fooling the Law of Attraction. You will see that Law of Attraction does not know if you are experiencing it first hand, remembering it, playing charades and acting on abundance, or recording it in your journal. It's getting your vibe and saying "I can match that, let's give them more!"

Are the last days of materialism approaching?


One wonders how materialism, the doctrine that "life can be explained by a sophisticated combination of physical and chemical laws," could have been accepted for so long by most scientists. Probably the จักรวาลThe Conjuring it is an emotional need to exalt the problem to which you want to dedicate your entire life.

-Eugene Wigner

Unexamined life is not worth living

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Invisible matter, 10 invisible dimensions, vibrating superstrings, inflated universes, 10E500 unknown worlds, collapsed wave functions, antimatter, the God particle, black holes, colliding multibrakes, Big Bangs, Big Crunches, and heat deaths.

This is the world of modern cosmology. A field of thought that has lost its way, although few seem to notice.

While many of us are busy with our daily lives, raising families, putting food on the table, navigating traffic jams, testing the newest electronic devices, and following the romantic lives of celebrities, our top scientists have come up with a worldview to do. good science fiction if it weren't written in college textbooks, taught to our kids, and considered mainstream.

We have given scientists the job of explaining the world, and in time, we assume that they will come back with a suitable answer.

Assigning this important task to scientists frees us from the hassle of tackling the big questions: who are we, what are we doing here, and where the world is going.

This might not seem like such a bad arrangement except for one fact: we only have one life to lead, and handing over control of our fundamental belief systems to modern science without any kind of critical or independent review may seem a bit shortsighted if not foolhardy. .

Today, it is intellectually fashionable to attack the New Age, Spiritualists, and Intelligent Design movement in the name of Almighty Science, while the belief system of science has not been questioned. This is because we have come to believe that science is the forefront of reason, experimentation, and truth, while spiritualism is practiced by those who cannot accept reality.

And of course, we are all free to take this point of view and simply assume that as long as we are on the side of science we will win the argument.

But it is not as simple as that. It turns out that if we look closely at the theoretical framework of modern science, we find a fatal flaw. This flaw is that our current scientific worldview is based on a conception of reality that scientists know is not true.

What is this dubious conception of reality?

That an autonomous world of matter and space exists independent of the mind and operates beyond the control of the mind. This is the assumption underlying the entire theory of modern science, from medical science, which treats diseases as if they originate in the body, to cosmology, which seeks the secrets of the universe further into the universe, rather than the depths of the soul.

The mystery of the great cosmic voids


Scientists have been discovering voids in space that are billions of light years across. A huge void found in 2009 is a puzzling 3.5 light-years across. Now this may not seem like a big deal. But when you consider that the visible universe stretches just 13.5 light years in any direction, a gap 3.5 light years in diameter is about a quarter of the visible universe. That is a lot of empty space.

However, this may not sound like a big deal to you. So here's the big problem, and the real problem: There hasn't been จักรวาลThe Conjuring the Big Bang (BB) for such large voids to form. That is a problem.

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The mystery is described on, April 4, 2009, in an article titled "New Cosmic Map Reveals Colossal Structures":

The scientists "found some huge voids, regions of space that are relatively empty, including one that is about 3.5 billion light-years across ... the newly discovered void is so large that it is difficult to fit our current understanding of the universe in Las Computer simulations show that gravity causes galaxies and galaxy clusters to get closer together over time, with gaps growing between the clusters.

"But the finite time available from the BB makes it difficult to explain a void as large as the one found in this study ... It is not easy to make voids that large in any of the current models of large-scale structure formation," he said. . John Huchra of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

So what is the answer?

Well, although scientists sometimes have a way of fitting an "answer" where there isn't, like the inflation theory against all odds that conjures up to explain unexplained developments after BB, which is a completely different subject, really. There is no answer to how finite time from BB could have created such large voids.

But the voids are there and they will not go away. And the BB is here, and it doesn't "get along" with large gaps. Houston, we have a problem.

Well, if the voids don't go away, might the BB have to? That is a clear possibility.

The V-Bang solves many of the greatest cosmological mysteries, including the great gaps. It is a completely new theory of how the universe began and is supported by many more current and past observations than BB. The BB over the years has presented us with more questions than answers. The V-Bang presents the answers and leaves very few questions.

What is the campus of the University of Phoenix like?


Established in 1976, the University of Phoenix is ​​the oldest and possibly the most successful online university. While going online has propelled the University to the popularity it enjoys today, it still retains its brick and mortar roots. Describing a campus at the University of Phoenix is ​​a misnomer, because there is no single campus.

The University operates on three educational platforms, Terrestrial, FlexNet and Online. Students studying on the floor or in จักรวาลThe Conjuring take several of their classes in one of the many University of Phoenix classrooms located in the US and even the world.

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As the largest private university, Phoenix has 170 physical campuses located in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. While more than half of the school's 230,000 students study purely online, more than 100,000 attend at least some of its classes on brick-and-mortar campuses.

These campuses are found in many cities located in industrial parks. While this image doesn't conjure up the grassy quads many envision when they think of college life, its location is typically based on population density and accessibility. As a consequence, Phoenix campuses, while not always beautiful, are certainly accessible.

While the University of Phoenix is ​​famous for its wide variety of courses and degree options, it is less well known that only certain campuses offer specific degrees. This is especially true for those titles that contain items that simply cannot be translated online.

That is, while e-Business, a part of the Undergraduate Business and Management College, can be accessed from all campuses due to its technological base, other programs such as Nursing, which may require some hands-on learning, are simply not available. available in certain locations. .

When considering a primarily online university like Phoenix, students often do not consider the relative strengths of programs on different campuses. While Phoenix employs a sophisticated monitoring system to ensure that the level of instruction is relatively constant across its 170 campuses, that doesn't eliminate all the dispersion. For example, students have reported that their Texas campuses offer a very high-quality health education, due to the strength of the teachers and administrators on that campus. Similarly, students attending the University of Phoenix in New York have commented that the quality of their educational degrees was quite strong relative to the experiences of other Phoenix students located across the country.

New Century Physics: A Return to the Prophets?


"The answers to fundamental questions are not in the details of how

Things happen, but in short, the consequences of behavior. "


to. The universe does not contain everything that exists.

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yes. It was created for a reason. It has a task and a purpose. It is a time / space tool.

C. Gravity is not an attractive force between bodies; it is the reduction of space, inversely to the lengthening of its co-function, time.

re. Black holes are not sites of tremendous gravitational forces. They are the opposite, the condition where all forces are disappearing.

me. The universe will not continue to expand or collapse in on itself; it will just turn off. It is already happening.

F. The end product of the universe is equilibrium, the pre-existing non-physical state that triggered its prescribed operation in the beginning.


Physics, as practiced today, is a scientific superstition. Born of the same human intrigues that drove ancient explorers, modern astrophysicists today are tempted by the volume of new data available from the Spitzer telescope, producing ever more detail about what things are and how they work. But what is the Achilles heel in this picture? Science believes itself because math seems to work. It's old I.Q. try again. It seemed to work, but it didn't measure what we thought we were measuring. Like the magician's disappearing act, the illusion only works in a limited angle of view. What is missing is the fundamental question of why all this wonder exists in the first place.

What is the most obvious phenomenon that we see when we look across the galaxy, across the universe? Forces in action. But forces only occur where things are out of balance. We learned it when we were kids, when the big guy got off the other side of the seesaw.

What does this tell us? The universe is in an unbalanced condition. We even codify their behavior in the so-called Conservation Laws, that "everything tends towards equilibrium". In other words, everything the universe does prescribes that its ultimate goal is balance.

Therein lies the challenge for the physics of the future. It is the angle of view beyond the magician's trick. With equilibrium comes the cessation of all action, even within the smallest subnuclear particles. In the absence of action, the measuring sticks of time and space no longer apply. The mass itself loses all identity. We know this. And it should mean something to us beyond just accepting it. A very loud bell should ring.

Our new generations raised in cyberspace games will have no trouble understanding the implication. The universe involves our physical senses, even our interaction, but like cyberspace games, it only contains the information it is programmed for. In operation, it is no different than a computer maintenance program, "Defrag" or "Norton Utilities", evoked to stabilize the integrity of a more fundamental order.

And what is that order? Traditional physics has it backwards. Principles of order and consequences are a prerequisite even for a simple chemical reaction, but they are not part of the mass / energy yield. They represent a higher state of discipline, which does not depend on temporary phenomena.

The universe had a beginning and will have an end, which automatically places you in the slave position. Reconciling these priorities is important for our theoretical frontiers to advance.

An essential part of any autonomous system is its stabilizing safeguards. The reason the universe seems to have been created in a Big Bang is that it came as a complete program, put in place to preserve the stability of the balance. It is a necessary characteristic of the primordial (non-material) system.

The universal secret law of wealth


The universe rewards action. It always has. There is no doubt about that. On the contrary, the road to failure is paved with the inactivity of those who choose to do nothing with their lives.

You can daydream all you want, but if you don't back up your wishes with solid action, NOTHING will happen for you. However, when something we want turns into an obsession, our minds start to conjure up all จักรวาลThe Conjuring to achieve whatever it is we want.

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People who are not successful do everything backwards. For example, many have the desire to get rich. A common dream is to want to become a millionaire. Well that's fine, but how will it be accomplished? What are you going to do to achieve your goal?

What is the SECRET of the Universal Law of Wealth?

Wealth comes to people as a by-product of serving others. It is biblical. It is a UNIVERSAL law. Simply put, if you add value to other people's lives, most of them will be happy to pay you money to receive that service. Not everyone will do this, of course. Some will cheat and some will rob you.

If you want to become a millionaire, focus FIRST on the METHOD you will use to achieve it. Once you've decided on that method, you can apply the action to deliver your product or service.

This is the universal law of money and wealth: serve others.

Trying to do it any other way will go against this universal law. Good luck if you think you can defeat the universal law of wealth. You will be the FIRST person in history to do so. You are so intelligent?

Therefore, common sense should tell you that there is an infinitely greater chance of success if you follow the proven Universal Law of Wealth. Take the focus off yourself, serve others with something they want, and you will have all the wealth you could want.

Study economics in the UK


Class 12 is almost over and you know you are facing one of the most crucial turning points of your life. Now is the time to make serious career decisions. One of these decisions is what you would like to study and another is whether you want to study abroad or not.

The idea of ​​studying abroad is an exciting proposition and evokes images of opportunity and the experience of a completely different culture. Many Indians now choose to seek a better education abroad, and one of จักรวาลThe Conjuring is the UK, which counts with a reputation for offering some of the best academic institutes in the world.

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For those looking to study economics in the UK, there may never have been a better time.

Why choose the UK?

If you decide to study abroad, the UK is a great option. It has 109 universities, many of which are world renowned. Most of the courses are internationally recognized and there is a broader offering than you are likely to find in India.

The facilities at decent universities are top notch, and so is the standard of teaching, not to mention the level of exposure that you typically get through networking. The UK is globally connected and offers many opportunities for students in many areas, including the economy.

Indian students who have studied economics in the UK have enjoyed their experience and many have described the feeling of being welcome in a multicultural society; one that gives them the opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

You can also enjoy the benefits for student health, with NHS medical care for anyone studying for more than 6 months, as well as the opportunity to obtain a work permit after studying.

Is it difficult to obtain a visa?

It is reasonably easy to obtain a student visa for education in the UK, but it must be well organized! Don't leave it to the last minute and risk your chance to study abroad.

You must apply for a level 4 student visa. Please provide all necessary documents and answer the questions asked. This is a relatively easy process, so there really is nothing to fear. Your request will be reviewed and you will generally hear the result within 50 days.

How to apply?

The easiest way to apply for universities in the UK is to use UCAS, the centralized application system for university students. With it you can send an application to up to 5 universities. For economics courses, you must apply through UCAS before January 15. As an international student, some universities allow subsequent applications, but there is no need to take any risks for being late.

The magic of every day


There is magic and energy within every living being. Magic is found in all lives and in the rarity that is humanity. Many of us are guilty of not following our own heritage or following our chosen path. We may be too busy or have to hide our beliefs. There are no rules along your path or limits that you must follow only the beliefs you have. Did you know that you can use anything contained in nature as an amulet or talisman? Today, as I was in the beauty of the day, I found an acorn and asked the จักรวาลThe Conjuring this little piece of land. I loaded it with a wish, my version of a simple earthly invocation.

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As he held this small sample of mother earth, he could feel her power, it glowed and lit up with the touch of streams of sunlight. With the spectrum of the sun's rays, I carry my charm with the power that I have sought. Everything around you right now has its own energy, look around you, are you attracted to an object? Stop reading for a moment and pick up the item. What do you feel? Now if you say the words that are inside your heart. Ask the god or goddess to invoke this enchantment. Do you feel that the object responds?

Many of you will be returned. Are you looking for an answer? Ask the powers that be for the desire you want from them. Tell them the truth because they know what you are going to say, show them respect, show them what your essence is made of. The god and the goddess know everything, see everything and are part of everything. Now invoke its charm, keep it in sight or at your fingertips throughout the day. Your charm will impart what you have asked about if it is meant to be. If you have a book of shadows, you may want to record your thoughts in your book of light. If you don't have a shadow book of your own, you should start one now. Your book of shadows can be as simple as your online blog or as intricate as a scroll book.

There are many witches and wizards who use a simple journal to impart the wisdom of the magic found within. Many of us don't have the time or supplies to perform elaborate rituals on a daily basis, but it can be a form of ritual to write down your magical thoughts every day. When you put the words of light in cyberspace or on paper, you are doing magic in its most basic form. You must never forget that magic is neither here nor there, it is within you, around you, before and behind, there is magic within all things and it is up to you, the magician, to achieve it. When the universe has spread across the limits of time and has reached the sorcerer / conjurer and has made the will of the universe of his will so be it. As this day progresses, let the magic rise, see with your third eye, feel within the depths of then and now, and make every moment count.

Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)


If you're watching the third movie in the Transformers movie franchise for any reason other than to see giant robots smash everything around you into small pieces, you're likely to be disappointed. The plot is even more complicated and melodramatic than its predecessor and the overabundance of characters, both human and mechanical, leaves the story a confusing hodgepodge of borrowed ideas from bad science fiction movies. Michael Bay's infamous love of slow motion and rotating cameras accentuates a jaw-dropping silliness that might not have been so blatant otherwise, and the จักรวาลThe Conjuring to evoke ever bigger and badder Transformers forces the action to head. into the realm of the unfathomably unreal. . At least the state-of-the-art special effects complement the colossal automata, because little else does.

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Although he has twice been Earth's savior from the threat of the evil and advanced alien race Decepticons, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) is still unemployed and unable to contribute to the ongoing efforts to keep the planet safe. When an ancient Cybertronian device is discovered on Earth, the Autobot peacekeeping leader Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen) decides to reactivate his previous leader, Sentinel Prime (Leonard Nimoy) to help protect the technology from the intriguing Decepticon. Megatron (Hugo Weaving). . Once the battle returns home, Sam, his former military allies, his new girlfriend Carly (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley) and the intrepid Autobots must wage a war against insurmountable odds to free their home from total destruction.

Although Megan Fox was not the main attraction of the first film (admittedly, she was the only thing left in the second film that was worth watching), surprisingly, her replacement will make audiences miss her presence. Model-turned-actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley adds nothing to the incredibly long project and her role is visually evident with repeated shots of tight clothing, slim legs, and full lips. It's almost as annoying as the characters that were continually left over in history from previous outings: John Turturro, Tyrese Gibson, and Josh Duhamel no longer serve a purpose, but return for the sake of a larger, more recognizable cast (and perhaps contractual obligations). .

The new additions are certainly no better. John Malkovich, Alan Tudyk, and Ken Jeong are among the most notable, all inserted purely for comic relief, the one item a Transformers movie couldn't use less. His characters are part of a series of bizarre inclusions that continue to push the boundaries of the weirdness of the Transformers universe, along with childish alterations of presidential imagery, Witwicky screaming incessantly, in overdramatical slow motion, and ridiculous speeches that are meant to wake up. On top of that, there are the abundant cliches: a national intelligence director who insists on preaching chain-of-command lingo and shouting orders to deaf ears, stage poses before and after battles, a destructive chase sequence on a highway, an excessively confident and incredibly wealthy businessman who interferes with Sam's self-esteem, and a final, epic and sustained fight that spans more than 30 minutes.

It's only the third movie and writer Ehren Kruger has completely run out of ideas, while director Michael Bay proves once again that his obsession with slow motion and cameras circling around actors can ruin any moment. The editing remains incredibly annoying while the choreography remains too complex, the robots largely indistinguishable, and the action exhaustive. Transformers are no longer fun.

The power of pleasure


The subject, or rather the "Kingdom of Pleasure", has always interested me a lot. When I look back over the many years of my enchanted life, I can clearly see that my decisions to choose the paths of pleasure have been wiser and more powerful, not to mention that they are completely more desirable than the other options available. For me, pleasure comes in such a wide variety of forms that it is impossible for me to make my thoughts specific to the topic in a logical, linear, and writing way. It's just a vast, swirling, fascinating realm that I spend a considerable amount of time in. So I'm going to write for the fun of it!

Greatest pleasure ... If I can summarize it simply, my greatest pleasure is always found in loving myself. Always!!! I can count on this truth no matter what is happening around me. If I choose to love myself above all else, my life unfolds like a magical fairy tale. One of the many ways I love myself the most is by playing in the glorious realm of my imagination. Every night before I go to sleep and the first จักรวาลThe Conjuring morning when I wake up, I spend time deliberately and delightfully playing with my imagination. It gives me such divine pleasure just to focus my thoughts in directions that please me and see how much pleasure I can get from any particular imagination. Sometimes I reproduce the same vision or fantasy over and over again ... taking it to a higher level and always more specific each time. Sometimes it will be the same topic for weeks or months. I don't do this in the hope that any particular fantasy will come true ... I do it for the pleasure I feel doing it. Because what I want more than anything is to feel good. I broaden every part of my consciousness as much as I can and just savor how it feels to take me to such good places. How good of feeling can I conjure? My search is getting higher ...

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I could break it down further into the specific types of imaginations or actions that I propose, but it is the more general issue of the benefits I receive from choosing the pleasure I want to express. Based on my belief that there is nothing more healing, rebalancing, rejuvenating, stimulating, or powerful than experiencing any form of pleasure, I have deliberately prepared my life to be absolutely filled with it. I have chosen it as my art, my career, my field of expertise, my teaching. As a "student" of pleasure, I begin to notice the correlations between experiencing pleasure and manifesting what I consider good. The more moments I spend on any given day allowing pleasure to flow into my life, the more my life continues to align itself with all the delicious, delicious, and fantastic "things" that I desire. Most importantly, the "things" that I considered undesirable seemed to just walk out of my life as if they no longer matched who I am. So, being the brilliant being that I am ... I readily accept the notion that the most powerful "action" I can take is making the decision to allow more pleasure to flow to me each day than ever. How do I know that my theory is correct? As with any theory ... just look at the evidence for the results. If at any given moment, you want to know how your "creative" juices are flowing (and I use the word very literally), just take a look at your life and feel what it feels like to live it.

Now I live on a tropical island. I spend my time enjoying the most comforting and comforting weather you can imagine. I spend countless moments doing nothing but rapturously experience the cool, soft air as she sensually wraps herself around my skin. I am privileged to see my daughter Rosie flourish and radiate well-being and confidence as she matures so beautifully into this free-flowing lifestyle.

I spend most of my time naked or almost naked. My "job" is to talk to the wisest, most delightful, and wonderful women business associates and dear friends from all over the Universe or ... meet and hang out with many, many other women as I support them to fall deeper in love. themselves than ever. My life is filled with the most euphorically happy scented and flavored lotions and potions that enrich the planet and its people. My self love teachings are offered using these potions as a means of expressing my messages.

The truth of the infernal grimoires


Until recently, my familiarity with the name A.E. Waite was confined to her tarot deck, which my mother liked. Most of the enthusiasts of the "new age" know it through tarot. I don't know your work very well. I know that he was something of a historian, having written numerous books related to the occult and mysticism. I remember a book by my mother's friend that mentioned Waite. I don't remember the title or the author, but it was a compendium of grimoires. He highlighted the most notorious grimoires, such as The Grand Grimoire, The Grimorium of Honorious, and Grimorium Verum. There are several versions of these books and printed in different languages. Waite's name is mentioned in this book as he was a harsh critic of these magical texts. His จักรวาลThe Conjuring him because he spoke against the authenticity of these books. I want to invest my two cents in the effectiveness of these infamous magic books.

To be honest, I have had copies of many of the most evil grimoires circulating today. I use the term "evil" a little jokingly. It took me some time to realize that many of these books are hoaxes. I feel like I can confidently state that these ancient texts have no real magic at all. I don't know how I acquired the net information that I am about to share. It may have been by intuition or by some other means. Let me explain. During the Middle Ages and later, rich men hired lowly magicians to write grimoires. These rich men were interested in magical texts that would give them the power to control the dark forces. These misinformed and misguided fools thought that the evil spirits referred to in this book would give them fabulous wealth and infinite power. Unfortunately, these books have no such real magic or power. In my opinion, the author of The Grimoire of Honorious invented the rituals contained therein with his wild imagination. The same is true of many of the other popular grimoires. In fact, for many of these books, the author is not known. The century in which they were written is also in doubt.

I don't deny the existence of demons (as we like to think of them in American culture). If they appear as a result of a ritual in any of these grimoires, it is only because they are attracted to the magician. It is certainly not because magic has power in itself. The truth is that evil spirits cannot be forced to obey under human will. It is impossible to have power over them. The other thing I must emphasize is that there is no reason to turn to these creatures. They do not have the ability to give us what we seek. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, evil spirits only take away from us. They are negative energies and they only leave us misery. Better to leave them alone.

Searching for the good life through grimoires is like searching for pearls in a pile of cow dung. If you have acquired any of these fake grimoires, I highly recommend that you drop it and follow a more reliable route to prosperity. Try to study the universal laws to dominate the physical world. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the law of attraction. Many people began their journey with The Secret of Rhonda Byrne. There are many spiritual paths one could follow. It is not recommended that you choose the easy path. The dark path is deceptive and leads nowhere.

What is the campus of the University of Phoenix like?


Established in 1976, the University of Phoenix is ​​the oldest and possibly the most successful online university. While going online has propelled the University to the popularity it enjoys today, it still retains its brick and mortar roots. Describing a campus at the University of Phoenix is ​​a misnomer, because there is no single campus.

The University operates on three educational platforms, Terrestrial, FlexNet and Online. Students studying on the floor or in FlexNet mode take several of their classes in one of the many University of จักรวาลThe Conjuring located in the US and even the world.

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As the largest private university, Phoenix has 170 physical campuses located in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. While more than half of the school's 230,000 students study purely online, more than 100,000 attend at least some of its classes on brick-and-mortar campuses.

These campuses are found in many cities located in industrial parks. While this image doesn't conjure up the grassy quads many envision when they think of college life, its location is typically based on population density and accessibility. As a consequence, Phoenix campuses, while not always beautiful, are certainly accessible.

While the University of Phoenix is ​​famous for its wide variety of courses and degree options, it is less well known that only certain campuses offer specific degrees. This is especially true for those titles that contain items that simply cannot be translated online.

That is, while e-Business, a part of the Undergraduate Business and Management College, can be accessed from all campuses due to its technological base, other programs such as Nursing, which may require some hands-on learning, are simply not available. available in certain locations. .

When considering a primarily online university like Phoenix, students often do not consider the relative strengths of programs on different campuses. While Phoenix employs a sophisticated monitoring system to ensure that the level of instruction is relatively constant across its 170 campuses, that doesn't eliminate all the dispersion. For example, students have reported that their Texas campuses offer a very high-quality health education, due to the strength of the teachers and administrators on that campus. Similarly, students attending the University of Phoenix in New York have commented that the quality of their educational degrees was quite strong relative to the experiences of other Phoenix students located across the country.

The state of modern music


Today's practitioners of what we once called "modern" music are suddenly alone. There is a disconcerting reaction against any musical creation that requires the disciplines and research tools for its genesis. Now stories are circulating that amplify and magnify this troublesome trend. It was once that you couldn't even approach a major music school in the United States unless you were well prepared to endure the commandments and principles of serialism. When one now hears of professors shamelessly studying scores of Respighi to extract the magic of their mass audience appeal, we know there is a crisis. This crisis exists in the perceptions of even the most educated musicians. จักรวาลThe Conjuring seem to be hiding from certain difficult truths about the creative process. They have given up their search for tools to help them create truly powerful and challenging listening experiences. I think it is because they are confused about many notions in modern music creation!

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First, let us examine the attitudes that are needed, but have been abandoned, for the development of special disciplines in the creation of lasting modern music. This music that we can and must create provides a crucible in which magic is crafted within our souls, and it is this that frames the templates that guide our own evolution in creative thinking. It is this generative process that had its blossoming in the early 1950s. By the 1960s, many emerging musicians had fallen in love with the then-fashionable wonders of the exciting new world of comprehensive Stockhausen serialism. Then there seemed to be boundless emotion. It seemed that there would be no limits to the creative impulse; composers could do anything, or so it seemed. At that time, most composers had not examined serialism carefully because of its inherent limitations. But it looked so cool. However, it soon became clear that it was Stockhausen's exciting musical approach that was fresh, and not so much the serialism itself, to which he was married. Later it became clear that the methods he used grew out of two special considerations that ultimately transcend serial devices: crossing of metric and tempi patterns; and especially the concept that treats pitch and timbre as special cases of rhythm. (Stockhausen referred to the crosses as "contacts", and even titled one of his compositions exploring this kingdom Kontakte). These gestures, it turns out, are really independent of serialism in the sense that they can be explored from different approaches.

However, the most spectacular approach at the time was serialism, and not so much these (then apparent) side lights. Yet it is this very approach, serialism, that, after apparently opening so many new doors, germinated the very seeds of modern music's own demise. The method is very prone to mechanical guessing. Consequently, it makes compounding easier, like following a recipe. In serial composition, the less thoughtful composer can apparently divert his soul from the compositional process. Inspiration can be buried, as method reigns supreme. The intricate complexities of shaping notes and the epiphanies one experiences from the necessary association with one's essences (within the mind and soul, in a sense, our relatives) can be conveniently discarded. Everything is from memory. Everything is compartmentalized. For a long time this was the honored method, long sanctified by classroom teachers and future composers, at least in the United States. Soon, a sense of sterility arose in the musical atmosphere; many composers began to examine what was happening.

The substitution of atonal music for sentimental romanticism had been a crucial step in moving music out of a torpid cul-de-sac. A music that was locked in banal complacency, like what seemed to be happening with romanticism, would decay. It was time for exploration. The new alternative has arrived, naturalness. It was the cool antidote, if apparently harsh. Arnold Schonberg had put the music away, for now. However, shortly thereafter, Schonberg made a serious tactical misstep. The 'rescue' was cut short with the introduction of a method by which the newly released process could be brought under control and order. I have here to express a little sympathy for Schönberg, who felt adrift in the sea of ​​freedom provided by the disconnectedness of atonality. 

The five universal rules to be happy


There are five rules to be happy. Oh I'm sure there are more that could apply. But when it comes down to the basics, there are five rules that apply to everything and everyone in life. When applied, these rules will certainly produce the result of happiness.

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Rule 1: Free your heart from hatred. Hatred is the root of all evil. There is no use hating another human being and will only provoke inner feelings that will destroy your spirit. Think about it, the last time you said, "I hate So-and-so!" Did he do something to them by hating them? No. Did he do something to you? Yes. When you said it, you allowed yourself to live in the lowest of the low vibrations. จักรวาลThe Conjuring when you live in such a low vibration. Eliminate hatred and you are on your way to happiness.

Rule 2: Free your mind of worries. When talking to clients and friends, this rule seems to be the biggest challenge for many people. I hear people talk about worrying about not having enough money, worrying about losing their job, worrying about not finding someone who loves them, worrying about being overweight, worrying, worrying, worrying. But let's take a step back from all this worrying and ask ourselves, is it good for any of us to worry? In short, NO! When we focus our energy on what we don't want, what worries us, we are only attracting more negative energy.

Now let's change our thoughts and focus on what we want. Act as if you are already receiving the positive and the opposite of our concern and see that you no longer need to worry. How does it feel No worries and ready to be great! Free your mind from worries and you will surely be happier in your life.

Rule 3: Live simply. That's it, just live simply. Eliminate drama from your life. Eliminate negative people from your life. Take time for yourself and go for a walk, read a book, exercise, or whatever you want and love to do. Living simply can be tricky in today's hustle and bustle, but when you can eliminate the really unnecessary things that cause you distress and worry, life will be happier. Try it; I'm sure you'll like it!

Rule 4: Give more. Giving can be one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life. We all have something to give to others. Some people can give time with the elderly, others can give kindness and a quiet spirit to those in need in their lives, but others can give money. There is so much that we can give and share in this world and the more you can give, the happier it will make you feel.

Rule 5: Expect miracles! We can all dream and most can dream big. To find true happiness, learn to hope that your dreams, your miracles in life, will come true. Something really amazing happens in El Universo when you place your order and expect something great to happen. It's like when you go to your favorite restaurant, order your favorite food, and sit around waiting. In the 15-20 minutes that you are waiting for your food, not once do you wonder that your favorite food will come perfectly prepared, just the way you want it. The same can apply to your dreams. Expect those miracles in life to come true, believe that they will, do the things you need to do, and let them come. Do not doubt that they will come; Doubt is a negative vibration and a wrong focus. Just hope that they come to you when the time is right, not a moment before and not a moment after what they are supposed to. The interesting thing that happens when you start hoping for miracles to come true is that your spirits rise, your happiness rises, and life becomes good, really good!

Following these 5 simple rules of life will bring you a lot of happiness. It has to because it is part of Universal Law. She will do it because it is part of human nature. Go ahead and do it, you deserve all the happiness you can conjure up. For your success!

And so we wait patiently for science to discard the "real world out there"


We all agree that his theory is crazy. The question that divides us is whether he is crazy enough to have a chance of being right. "

Niels Bohr

Modern physics is at a crossroads. Since Einstein's time, he has pursued a quest to unify the laws of physics using a naive realistic or materialistic approach. This view holds that there is a real world independent of the scientific theorist, that ultimate reality is a material thing (matter) rather than a mind, and that the mind has no influence on the world. Most theorists probably assume that dismissing the realistic จักรวาลThe Conjuring. And that's the problem: modern science will not be able to unify the laws of science by working within the box of materialism. Instead, unsurprisingly, you'll have to come out of the box to come up with a unified theory.

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Front page advertisements such as the finding of the Higgs boson in the Large Hadron Collider, the search for dark matter, and reflections on string theory and the multiverse, have masked the basic truth that the current scientific worldview has reached a dead end in trying to put together an all-encompassing worldview while operating under the heavy burden of naive realism.

Lee Smolin, in his book The Trouble with Physics, recognizing the puzzles facing modern physics, identifies five problems that any unified theory of physics must solve.

These are:

Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature. This is known as the problem of quantum gravity.

Solve problems in the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, either by making sense of the theory as it is or by inventing a new theory that makes sense.

Determine whether or not the various particles and forces can be unified in a theory that explains them all as manifestations of a single fundamental entity.

Explain how the values ​​of free constants are chosen in nature in the standard model of particle physics.

Explain dark matter and dark energy. Or, if they don't exist, determine how and why gravity changes on a large scale. More generally, explain why the constants in the Standard Model of Cosmology, including dark energy, have the values ​​that they do.

Dr. Smolin should be credited with articulating concisely and directly the five great problems that stand in the way of a unified theory of physics. But in reflecting on how future scientists may come to solve these mysteries of science, Smolin also reveals the bias of the modern scientific theorist: he acknowledges that "physicists have traditionally expected science to give an explanation of reality as it would be in or absent. "Believing in a" real world, "he writes," motivates us to do the hard work necessary to become scientists and contribute to an understanding of nature. " In other words, Smolin defines "science" as a practice that can only occur if the practitioner assumes a "real world" independent of the observer. Having faithfully accepted the very obstacle that prevents progress in the first place, it is no wonder that modern scientific theory remains stuck in the same old intellectual quicksand. Like a hot air balloon wondering why it can't reach the stars while tethered to a fence post, modern science cannot move further toward a unified theory until it leaves the "real world."

In this article I will do crazy. I will give answers to each of these problems and show that a unified theory becomes apparent if Mr. Smolin and his university colleagues simply abandon their cherished assumption that there is a real world independent of us.

In considering this assumption, we might ask, why should the universe obey the orders of the scientific theorist in the first place? Isn't it true that the world existed before the theorist entered the scene? The job of science is to understand the world as it is, not as scientists assume or wish it to be.

It should not be considered simply a coincidence that, as shown below, when we remove the independent world assumption, we find the outline of a theory that solves the five Smolin problems.

So let's start with the first problem:

Problem 1: Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature. This is known as the problem of quantum gravity.

Information on the latest predictions of the end of the world for 2012


The Mayan prediction offers some insights to modern astronomers about what will happen in the world in 2012. Many people do not understand how the calendar works. They simply judge that the earth will come to an end on December 21, 2012 because their calendar ends on this date. In reality, the Maya are only trying to indicate that the great cycle will end with a new beginning. It doesn't actually mean that all the earth will be destroyed on December 21, 2012.

The Mayans are experts in various astronomical aspects, p. Eg the solar system and the Milky Way. The Mayans gave a prophecy that the world has 13 years to turn away from its evil nature. The Mayans จักรวาลThe Conjuring will unite and stop fighting each other on December 21, 2012. The sun, known as Kinich-Ahau to the Mayans, is often aligned with the central universe. The sun will shine brighter when it receives a spark of light. Solar flares are responsible for causing the spark of light. It also causes changes in the sun's magnetic field.

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According to the Mayans, solar flares occur every 5125 years. Solar flares can cause natural tragedies due to displacement during the rotation of the earth. The Mayans claimed that the last civilizations ended due to a great flood. The flood was so great that most of the people living on earth die. There are only a few survivors of his tribe who manage to survive in some way. The Mayans said that the changes approaching on December 21, 2012 will bring humanity into a new civilization. Civilization will make humanity feel sorry for each other and live in peace with each other.

Not only the Mayans made this prophecy, other cultures and soothsayers also made these predictions. Fortune tellers like Nostradamus use black magic to conjure Satan and give revelations about the year 2012. According to Nostradamus, a giant comet will pass through the earth. When the comet passes the land, the waves will rise a thousand feet. It is claimed that Florence, Rome and other parts of Italy will be influenced by the great flood. The flood will be so great that many people will not be able to find solid ground to escape. The Bible affirms that there will be wars all over the world. Some Christians prophesied that a world regime will be established during the end time.

During the time of the end, the one world government will force everyone to worship the image of the animal and take the 666 mark. Anyone who refuses to obtain the mark will be mercilessly erased. The sole world chief executive shall be a president who has served all the highest offices in the world. It will not be himself, but someone controlled by the devil. Movies had been released about the end of the world. The most appreciated film about the end of the world is produced by the Hollywood film producers Sony.

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